Freshwater Habitats in RCT
These action plans are for a range of quite different habitats with a dependence on water. RCT is a landscape of river valleys, wetlands, upland peatbogs and high annual rainfall. These ‘wettest’ of habitats often exist in complex mosaics with the woodlands, marshy grasslands, and upland wet heaths described elsewhere in the Local Nature Plan. Freshwater is therefore a significant feature of our biodiversity, maintaining habitats of great biodiversity significance and connecting biodiversity networks. They also have a common threat of degradation and loss through water and air born pollution, physical modification, land use changes, the loss of sympathetic management and urban and industrial impacts and disturbance.
There are five principal types of freshwater habitat considered in this Plan which can be viewed by clicking the links below.

SmartRivers- Cynon Hub
South East Wales Rivers Trust’s SmartRivers hub on the Cynon is a Wales first, run in partnership with The Salmon & Trout Conservation Trust. SmartRivers aims to use river fly invertebrates as a diagnostic indicator of the river’s health by identifying them to species level, utilising volunteers, and citizen science. Our group is made up of volunteers from community groups throughout the Cynon valley and further afield; aiming to involve local communities in the protection and conservation of our rivers and their wildlife. We have volunteers from Ospreys Angling, Pontus Aqua Research, Cwmbach Community Wetlands and Cynon Valley Organic Adventures, all helping with our river kick sampling at five chosen sites right along the length of the river Cynon and the identifying to species level, in lab conditions at our office. The hope is to improve and enhance biodiversity of the river Cynon through education, meaningful community engagement and encouraging effective stewardship of the river, creating of a group of volunteer river rangers monitoring the river in the future.
If you would like to know more about SmartRivers you can visit here.