These actions are aimed at those with some knowledge and experience of wildlife and conservation, with the aim that this will help to guide you to take the most effective action for nature in RCT. ​

Butterfly Conservation volunteers and the Marsh Fritillary
Whatever your interest, there will be a way you can make a big difference in RCT.
The South Wales volunteer group of Butterfly Conservation has worked hard to improve the habitat for marsh fritillary at Rhos pasture sites across the county. Following initial surveys co-ordinated by Richard Smith to identify and map the marsh fritillary meta-population in RCT, the group raised awareness of the importance of these populations and has been instrumental in finding funds for fencing and other key works. Each winter they can be found out and about bashing scrub and helping to protect the habitat for this endangered butterfly.
Ben Williams is one of these dedicated volunteers working hard to help butterflies in RCT. Each winter he arranges and works with the Council’s Tidy Towns team bashing scrub and helping to protect the habitat for this endangered butterfly. Recently, he has been instrumental in a marsh fritillary re-introduction project, run by the Initiative for Nature Conservation Cymru. Ben has been pivotal to the marsh fritillary project by helping to rear caterpillars and undertaking important research.
These volunteers are a great example of how wildlife enthusiasts can make a huge difference for nature.