Are you just starting to discover nature? There is an incredible world of discovery ahead of you and we are here to help you along the way! Below there are some suggestions for actions that you could take as a novice naturalist to learn more about the nature of RCT and start doing your part to protect and preserve our wonderful natural heritage.

Big Garden Bioblitz
Each year the four Local Environmental Records Centres (LERCs) in Wales join together to run a national Garden BioBlitz.
A BioBlitz is an event where wildlife specialists and nature enthusiasts come together at a site to find as many different species of wildlife as possible on a single day. The Garden BioBlitz is a similar concept, but rather than gathering together at a single location, people look for all the nature to be found in their own garden. There is a timetable of activities to encourage participants to look at all the different species groups, such as plants, birds and insects. The sightings throughout the day are then sent in to the LERCs so that they can be added to the national wildlife database. In RCT, records are sent to SEWBReC , often via their online recording system.
Being an all Wales event, these annual occasions offer a snapshot of how wildlife is faring in gardens at a national level. Each year the LERCs analyse the records for information such as the most commonly recorded species, and which wildlife spotter sent in the most records!
You can see the results from the 2020 and 2021 Wales Garden BioBlitzes on SEWBReC’s website: 2020 and 2021. If you would like to get involved in future Garden BioBlitzes, you can sign up for regular emails from SEWBReC here or find them on social media.