These actions are aimed at public authorities who would like to take positive action for their local environment, perhaps as part of their environmental and community responsibilities. Public authorities have a legal requirement under section 6 of the Environment Act to maintain and enhance biodiversity throughout all of their functions and to contribute to a 'Resilient Wales' under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. There are some simple changes you can make to contribute to this. Wales-wide goals can be found here and below we have suggested some additional actions for RCT. ​

Case Study
Llanharan Community Council support for Brynna Woods
Llanharan Community Council have supported the Wildlife Trust South and West Wales since 2009 with an annual grant for Brynna Woods and Llanharan Marsh Nature Reserve.
Work is ongoing to increase the biodiversity and protect the nationally important Hazel Dormouse in the Reserve. Also local schools and members of the public are encouraged to visit the Reserve and engage with nature. The Council are currently looking at providing further funds to install a new outdoor classroom and wooden sculptures. In addition the Council are in discussion with WTSWW, Network Rail and RCT Rights of Way department regarding a proposed bridleway bridge into Brynna Woods NR. It is hoped that any design proposal will be sensitive to the Violet Oil Beetle habitat. Also the design may incorporate nature features and interpretation boards for the Reserve.
The Council sensitively manage some small areas in their ownership to increase the potential for nature. A project is being investigated to provide an amenity area, with an emphasis on nature, in damp woodland behind Brynna Community Centre. 'Green roofs' for bus shelters are also being trialled in the area.