LNP Member Mark Steer has been observing violet oil beetles (Meloe violaceus) in Brynna Woods Nature Reserve since 2012. There is a good population of these beetles in the nature reserve and in 2020 Mark recorded 83 beetles between 16th March and 27th April. He was also able to identify two new sites for this beetle within the nature reserve. The females can be distinguished from males due to their curved antennae, as opposed to kinked. Males can also excrete a yellow oil from their knee joints, a defence mechanism against predation.
Oil beetles are reliant on solitary bees to compete their life-cycles. The health of oil beetle populations is therefore dependent on the health and diversity of wild bees. Oil beetles are sensitive to changes in land management and are a good indicator of the health of our countryside (Buglife).
Photos Mark Steer
Where to see in RCT
Brynna Woods